Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Writing- Recount Week 6

This is my writing of my Christmas we got to choose birthday or Christmas, I chose Christmas because I had a pretty exiting Christmas. 

What write a recount about Christmas or your birthday.

So what writing 

Now what add more information about what happened and recraft it.

This is my work in progress, I still need to recraft it more.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Recrafted writing

This is my recrafted writing about eating a lemon

What writing a recount

So writing 

Now what to add more ifmation about the story

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Srl writing

What write a paragraph about a character 

So what creative writing 

Now what add more detail about the character 

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Room 5 & 6 were doing a recount on eating a lemon Walt write a recount step by step in order

So what write a recount  about the lemon now what give more description.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My word work

This was my writng from the second week that we were doing srl 

Walt: What write a story if you got wing were would you go and who you would tell
So what we write a story  what we would do
Now what  try and make the story bigger by using paragraphs 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

My writing of self regulated learning

This is my writing of srl  I really enjoyed doing this for this week   
What Walt use discriptive Language
So what doing  work on writing  
Now what I need to add more discriptive language

My spelling word work

Everything everything everything everything everything 
I've got everything that I want. 
This means everything to me.

What? Walt  spell new words
So what?  I practised my spelling words
Now what?  Use the new words in my writing

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My writing

Walt write a recount with events step by step and in order using paragraphs my next step is to work on my spelling

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Anzac booklet

We have been doing an Anzac booklet and one of the activity was design a rapper for the Anzac cookies.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


We have been learning about World War One and why we are thankful for them saving our country. Something I learnt was that some of them were sent to war at the age of 15. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Anzac Day

This week we are learning about Anzac Day

My blog

Today I learnt how to blog

Tiki art

Today we learnt how make tiki art below here is my one I also found the nose hard what I liked about it was that no ones looked the same.